A Students Second Home

AISS residential accommodation for students

  • Our Facilities

    AISS has four large dormitory rooms accommodating up to 25 students per room. Students aged 10-21 are accepted into this dormitory style residential accommodation. In addition AISS offers students aged 6-9 accommodation in residential homes with up to 16 children per home.
    In the evenings the cafeteria is used for a one hour supervised study period.

  • Supervision

    The dormitories are supervised by a family with many years of experience managing young people. The rooms are secure and have ensuite bathrooms and showers.
    The four residential homes are also staffed by husband and wife teams, with the goal of providing the loving care and attention to the younger children that they would get in their own homes.

  • Meals

    A large cafeteria is the central feature of the dormitory accommodations. Meals are prepared three times a day by a team of three cooks. To optimise your child’s health and learning potential, we serve healthy vegetarian meals which include a piece of fruit.

    Children in the residential homes also receive three meals a day cooked in the home and served with fruit .

  • Holidays and Vacations

    Students staying in our residential accommodations, return home for holidays and vacations. In special circumstances it can be arranged for students to stay at the residential accommodations during holidays and vacations.

  • Practical Living

    Residential students are assigned 7 hours of work a week to help out in the home or on campus. Age and ability is taken into account when assigning work. Work may include, vegetable and fruit production, helping at Butterfly Paradise, keeping the campus tidy and media production.

  • Expectations

    Our campus is operated as a Seventh-day Adventist Christian community, all residential students are expected to by a part of that community by attending the two worships each day and attending church organised activities on Saturdays.
    For the health and safety of the residential students rules must be adhered to. Failure to do so may lead to punishment or expulsion. Phones, computers and music devices are forbidden. Use of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs or involvement in immorality will result in immediate expulsion. Students must receive a leave pass from their residential supervisor before they may leave the campus.